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Cultivated in the Sierra de Los Cuchumatanes mountains of Huehuetenango, this micro-lot from Juan is located in a sector of Rio Ocho that he refers to as Q’Ail.

Juan is committed to organic farming practices, but does not have organic certification due to the significant financial investment required for certification.

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Unique to their growing area, Juan de-pulps the coffee cherry in his parcels and then transports it to his home to complete the wet mill process. He then dries his coffee on black nylon and concrete patios in full sun.

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Grind size affects the extraction rate of the coffee and therefore affects the flavor of the final brew. Because of the water flow rate and pressure variations between brew methods, different grind sizes suit different brew methods better. You'll want to pick the right one for optimum flavor.

More details than you were looking for? Go with the flat bottom filter. It's our most popular grind type and works in your basic home coffee maker!

Our chocolate is especially vulnerable to the effects of temperature fluctuation because we avoid the use of all stabilizers, preservatives, and fillers.

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I love light roasted coffees from Guatemala and this is a great example of how good they can be. Will definitely be coming back for another bag!

This is the first coffee I tried in-store. I'm happy to be able to recreate the flavor in my own home. This coffee has become my go-to on any occasion and is best served black.

One of my favorite places to go. The owner makes the most amazing coffee and chocolate! I highly recommend Maps to anyone who is a lover of coffee and/or chocolate.

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Expert coffee roasting with a personal touch. If you have not been there drop what you’re doing immediately and go get some of these delicious beans.

Vince always has recently roasted coffee, and it DOES make a difference. AND he has the best-tasting DECAF anywhere, the last bag I had was better than most other whole bean coffees.

Best coffee I've had in YEARS. Everyone was very nice and knowledgeable. The chocolate was also amazing. I know where I'll be buying my coffee from, from now on.

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I live in Tennessee and whenever I travel to KC, I stop in and pick up a few bags, hang out and have a cup and do some emails. Get the “Milk” roast, it’s the best coffee I’ve ever had.

Such a great place! The owner is so friendly and full of so much knowledge, and his cold brew is the absolute best. His chocolate is delicious too, with unique flavors!

Been to most of the coffee shops/roasters in KC. This one is by far the best...Found my perfect coffee. Maps is my new spot.

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Use this popup to embed a mailing list sign up form. Alternatively use it as a simple call to action with a link to a product or a page.Using open data from the API and a mixture of free tools and a bit of work you can get a feed of crime in an area

A little while ago I was playing around with the API at looking at a way to pull the data into a google spreadsheet (and some of the issues around the way policing areas are constructed)

Yesterday I found myself playing with the API again and looking at quick and easy ways to pull data out based on a particular area.

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Before I go any further I’d recommend that if you’re going to do anything with crime data from, you read the About pages for more information on what the data means and where the limitations are.

I know that the API can deliver street level crime reports based on a number of criteria including multiple latitude and longitude points that describe a shape.

I wondered how easy it would be to get the points of a custom polygon, like the one below, so I could get more specific data.

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The easiest way to get at the data used to describe the polygons is by exporting the map as a KML file. In Google My Maps:

The file that is exported is a text file so we can open up the file in any text editor and it will look something like this (I’ve just included the first part) and it’s those co-ordinates that I want to get at.

So we are going to need to clean the data up a bit. You could take the data points and use various filters, formulas and other things (regex etc.)There’s plenty of ways we can do this but to be honest with such a small set of points I did it by hand.

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The biggest issue is getting each pair on a new line. If you can do that then they should cut and paste into a spreadsheet and you can use the SPLIT command in Google Sheets to break the data down. Once you’ve got the Lat and long in adjacent columns then the CONCATENATE formula will help rebuild things in the right format and then the JOIN formula will shunt them back into one line.

The SPLIT formula can be used to separate lat and long using the comma as the delimiter (the thing you split on) Adding TRUE means it will split on consecutive commas, pulling out the zeros at the end of each pair.

Mapping Street Level Crime In An Area - Dating Amber Vietsub Tv Live Now Ggmap

The CONCATENATE formula can be used to join the Lat and Long back together again in the right order, separated by a comma

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Finally the JOIN formula helps shunt them all together on to one line, separated by the colon that wants for the API call.

Notice that there is no trailing : and I’ve left the date option off. That will give me any street level crime reports, in the area defined for the last month they have. Plug that URL into a new browser tab and you get a page full of JSON data:

There are lots of applications and scripts that can read the JSON output from the Police API. But I wanted to go with something that required minimal coding and could output something pretty easily so I pulled the data into a google spreadsheet using the importJSON script. Making the script work is dead easy thanks to Paul Gambill’s guide to How to import JSON data into Google Spreadsheets in less than 5 minutes.

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Using the importJSON script we can use the api call to populate a spreadsheet. (you should be able to click the image and go through to the spreadsheet)

Now that we have the data as a spreadsheet we could start to do some analysis, filtering etc. But we can get a quick win by using the spreadsheet to drive a map.

I went back to the map I used to create the polygon shape, added a new layer and then imported my crime layer spreadsheet into the map. A bit of crunching later and each crime was mapped as a point.

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The API isn’t perfect — the data isn’t as fresh as I would like and the geolocation isn’t always accurate (they do say this to be fair). Google maps also has its quirks especially when you’re dealing with lots of data points. But being able to export to KML is nice feature, not only for pulling out polygon data. If you have Google Earth on your computer you can open the KML file and fly around the crimes in your area!

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Exporting your Google Map as KML data means you can pull the data into Google Earth and fly around the crime locations.

It’s clunky and no doubt there are more elegant solutions out there (please tell me if you know of them) but, a bit of messing with the format of the data aside, it worked how I thought it would; a process of ‘well I can do this, so if I can do that it should work’ way of piecing together the tools. As a quick and dirty visualization tool (and an exploration of what API’s can do), I think it works well.

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Note: The data from is made available under the Open Government Licence. That means you’re free to do pretty much anything with it but you must link back to the source where you can.

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